Ashley Vargas

Ashley Vargas



About theĀ 


Ashley has been coaching for over 10 years. Starting her fitness career in the Group Fitness space in California, she made her way to Nashville in 2016 and began specializing in coaching competitive Powerlifting Athletes. Ashley has coached competitors at all levels, from first-time competitors to athletes at the Pro level. Ashley also loves coaching athletics and is going into her second season as the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Tennessee Trojans, Nashville's Women's Football team. Ashley has been an official part of the MCM team from the beginning with the Trojans. Now she is teaching classes and partnering with Blake on developing the programs for the Strength classes. She is very exacted to see the growing community of Powerlifters at MCM and is excited to be leading the Barbell Club on Tuesdays at 430pm.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

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